Mead Urban Renewal Authority

The Mead Urban Renewal Authority (MURA) is a special-purpose governmental entity created by the Mead Town Board of Trustees in 2016. MURA's primary purpose is to improve business areas in Mead by eliminating blight, assisting private development and redevelopment projects, and planning and building public and public-related commercial improvements as necessary to achieve those goals.

MURA is governed by a volunteer board of commissioners consisting of the Town Board of Trustees and three additional representatives, one each from Weld County, St. Vrain Valley School District, and Mountain View Fire and Protection District.

The MURA Board, Mayor, and Town Board work together to achieve the town's goals. The MURA staff consists of town staff working for MURA in addition to their regular duties. The town provides staff to MURA, including an executive director, the town treasurer, and the city attorney. Other town staff members provide services as needed.

Where Does MURA Get Its Money?

MURA cannot and does not levy taxes. MURA projects are funded by property tax increment financing, meaning that the increase in property tax revenue within the Urban Renewal Area, over and above the base year (2016), goes to MURA. All other taxing districts still get their revenues based on their mill levy and base year valuations. Only the incremental property tax revenue increases, created mainly by MURA improvements, go to MURA. These revenues are used to make further improvements intended to increase tax revenue.