Licenses & Permits

Business Licenses

Business licenses are required for all businesses located within the Town of Mead as well as businesses who provide services within the town. 

Please submit a Business License Application to the Town Clerk's Office before you begin conducting business. For more information, please see the Business License Page.

Peddlers and Solicitors Permit 

A peddler is a canvasser, solicitor or traveling vendor who goes from house to house or street to street selling goods or merchandise he carries with him. Before you set up your cart or put on your special products jacket, the Town of Mead requires a Peddlers and Solicitors Permit. Please submit to the Town Clerk's office:

  • completed peddlers and solicitors application form (one per person)
  • $75.00 application fee for background check (per person) and background check application
  • Two 2"x"2 color photos of each applicant
  • $1,000.00 bond or cash deposit to be held for one year (per company)
  • Town of Mead business license application and fee, if applicable

For more information, please see Mead Municipal Code Chapter 6, Article V, or contact the Deputy Clerk at 970-535-4477.

Liquor Licenses

Liquor licenses are issued by the Mead Liquor Authority.  All applications and renewals must be submitted to the Town Clerk's office.  For more information, please contact the Town Clerk at 970-535-4477.

Mobile Food Trucks

A temporary use permit is required for all mobile food trucks operating in Mead, including confirmation of insurance and health department certification. Please contact the Deputy Clerk for more information.