Development Impact Fees

Development impact fees are a one-time fee imposed by the Town of Mead on new development projects to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development. These fees are implemented to help reduce the economic burden on Mead when dealing with area growth.


2022 Impact Fees
C.R.S. 29-1-803 requires municipal governments to publish information detailing impact fees collected, including the annual interest rate and the total amount disbursed, at least annually.
Fund Collected  Disbursed Annual Interest
Downtown Revitalization $0 $32,396 $263
Municipal Facilities $929,894 $3,900,007 $51,689
Parks & Open Space $284,618 $386,286 $27,704
Police Facilities $139,092 $24,853 $3,957
Storm Drainage $0 $111,724 $852
Transportation $1,947,061 $0* $98,613

The average interest rate earned for 2022 was 1.63%

*Amount disbursed form Transportation Fund shows $0.00. Expenditures in 2022 were less than amounts transferred in from other funds. Collected impact funds were not disbursed.


For more information on development impact fees, visit our Building Department.